It’s a springer so don’t expect fantastic range, around 125ft is about the max for any decent accuracy. The gun is fitted with wood effect grips and stock but only one sling swivel on the stock which is a bit confusing but you could drill out and fit one to the front of the magazine lug if you so chose so as to sling the weapon. Review: This is an exact replica of the M37 shotgun used by the U.S. But between now and then, she and I just don't part company". Again, he quipped: "Colonel, if they ever send me to Geneva, I'll leave her at home. Watson told him the shotgun was not against the Geneva convention, only the soft lead bullet such as old style buckshots were. Chief Watson was later questioned by a pencil-pushing Colonel over the use of his shotgun as it was deemed illegal by the Geneva Convention to which he replied "This ain't Geneva!". Ithaca later offered pistol grips and 8-shot mag tubes from the factory. Although limited in range, when coupled with #4 Buck (many believed #4 buck to be too light for combat use, but Chief Watson, in his book "Pointman", responded that "The Vietnamese I shot didn't complain") and the Ithaca's slamfire capability this configuration was no doubt a devastating anti-personnel weapon. He slung the gun over his shoulder or neck with a cord. He had them further modify his M37 (referred to by Watson as 'sweetheart') by replacing the butt stock with a pistol grip and attaching a sling ring to the bottom. Due to the shotgun's extended magazine, it is unable to be fitted with a bayonet.The first Duckbill M37 assembled at China Lake was given to SEAL Chief James "Patches" Watson. It comes with an extended magazine, giving the shotgun an 8-shell capacity (7+1).

The Ithaca M37 Shotgun: 'Duckbill' Conversion is similar to the standard Trench Gun variant except the shotgun has been modified with a 'Duckbill' muzzle spreader, which gives the weapon a horizontal spread. There are no fixed iron sights as the weapon is aimed from the side of the shotgun. It comes with 35 shells and has a 5-shell capacity (4+1). The shotgun has the ability to fire two types of ammunition, being 00 Buckshot and No.4 Buckshot. It has a pistol-grip with no stock which improves the time for ADS at the expense of not being able to aim accurately. The Ithaca M37 Shotgun: 'Stakeout' Riot Gun is a smaller variant of the standard shotgun. The shotgun is able to affix a bayonet to the front, allowing for melee combat, with a slight reduction to ADS stability. It has the ability to fire two types of ammunition, being 00 Buckshot Shells and No.4 Buckshot Shells. The Ithaca M37 Shotgun: Trench Gun is the standard pump-action shotgun variant. The shotgun comes in three variants, each with their own distinct advantages and disadvantages. 4 Buckshot fires twenty-four small birdshot pellets, which increases the chance of hitting the target, with the downside of weaker damage output and less penetration.