Data penduduk desa
Data penduduk desa

data penduduk desa

The creation of equal distribution of development, especially in rural areas through the provincial government budget funds and the central government of 10%, will achieve a level of welfare and standard of living for people living in rural areas. By allocating 10% of the funds, it is hoped that welfare and equitable development in the village can become a reality. Provinces and centers need to realize in the APBD 10% each for village allocation funds. In order to increase empowerment, prosperity and equitable development in rural areas through district, provincial and central government budget funds, the district government.

data penduduk desa

The types of activities that will be funded through village fund allocation are expected to be able to improve community service facilities, in the form of fulfilling the basis, strengthening village institutionalization and other activities needed by the village community through decision-making through deliberation. Allocation of village funds must be used with the principle of frugality, direction and control, all activities and use of village fund allocations can be accounted for administratively, technically and legally. Management of village fund allocations must fulfill several management principles, each activity whose funding is taken from village fund allocations must go through open planning, implementation and evaluation on principle. This is not only because the problem of poverty has been around for a long time and is still present in our midst now, but also because now the symptoms are increasing in line with the multidimensional crisis that is still faced by the Indonesian people.


Software ini tentunya harus memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah agar data yang dihasilkan nanti sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lingkungan pemerintahan. Indonesia, the problem of poverty is a social problem that is always relevant to be studied continuously. Software aplikasi data kependudukan desa merupakan perangkat aplikasi yang dapat membantu kinerja desa dalam mengambil dan menyimpan data informasi penduduk dalam desa tersebut. Various theories, concepts and approaches are constantly being developed to uncover the curtain of the "mystery" of poverty.

  • Rand Corporation Indonesian data studies study description or documentation only.Poverty always attracts the attention of various groups, both academics and practitioners.
  • Rand Corporation PODES documentation study description or documentation only.

  • Doc in PDF format: rand_english_questionnaire.pdf Other Options for On-line Access:.
  • Mata pencaharian sebagian penduduk adalah Petani sedangkan hasil produksi ekonomis Kampung yang menonjol adalah Karet Tabel 2.
  • WORD document: bps_questionnaire_podes00.doc KONDISI PEREKONOMIAN Jumlah penduduk Kampung Banjar Agung sebanyak 3224 jiwa dengan penduduk usia produktif 1.500 jiwa, sedangkan penduduk yang dikategorikan miskin 900 jiwa.
  • Codebook: BPS Record layout - SAS Program for combined raw data.

  • Data Download Page leads to the data files for this study.
  • READMEto learn about the files that comprise this study.
  • Questionnaires are filled out by the village head and describe in total the population, housing, environment, education, socio-cultural facilities, entertainment, health infrastructure, transportation, land use, crime control, and economy of the village.Īvailability: This resource is available only to current faculty, staff and students of Columbia University. 9 groups found Geografi & Iklim Industri & Perdagangan Kesehatan Keuangan Desa Pemerintahan Penduduk & Ketenagakerjaan Pertanian Sosial & Kesejahteraan. The definition of village applies to the general description of villages in Indonesia, which is a region occupied by a number of people and the lowest government level directly under the sub district head, and is entitled to organize its own local culture under a system of the national government. The Podes survey, or more aptly called the village facilities survey, covers all villages within the Indonesian archipelago. In 2000 PODES was conducted in conjunction with the Penduduk 2000 (2000 Population Census). Podes activity has always been conducted in line with either the implementation of Population Census, Agriculture Census or Economic Census.

    data penduduk desa

    Potensi Desa/Kelurahan: Potensial of Village (PODES) Sensus Penduduk 2000 (2000 Population Census)īadan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia)īPS-Statistics Indonesia (henceforth BPS) has collected village-level data, called Potensi Desa or Podes, since 1980.

    data penduduk desa

    Holdings Information for: RDS Study 1108-00 Files for study C1108-00: Potensi Desa/Kelurahan: Potensial of Village (PODES) Sensus Penduduk 2000 (2000 Population Census)

    Data penduduk desa